So, I was feeling less than confident in my sailing abilities (I have been out countless times but never really responsible for knowing anything) and was mildly freaking out about this big adventure. I was maybe 50% thrilled/50% terrified. I did a little research and signed up for sailing lessons the first week of December with Captain Will Miller of Charleston Sailing School. I am seriously grateful for his patience and sailing expertise! It was awesome. Before we met, I read a lot of material about basic knowledge, terminology, skills, etc. We spent the days on the water, practicing maneuvering, docking, rescue drills, the rules of sailing, and everything else. Since then, I have been dreaming of knots and sail trim! I immersed myself and feel like I learned an amazing amount of vital information. And also, like there is an amazing amount of things to learn still. I know enough now to at least ask intelligent questions and have an opinion. Knowledge is power! I feel better since, probably 87% thrilled/ 13% terrified. I have a good base, I just need some experience! That's right around the corner...
I'm incredibly proud and a wee jealous (in a good way)! 95% proud and 5% jealous! I'm counting on the fact that when you return from your trip that you will be able to teach me all you know! I read the brief summary of the sailing adventure to Beufort and it sounds fun even if you did'nt reach a destination. I guess that is a large part of sailing. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.
Much Love, Molly
Bon Voyage! I hope you still want to come back after being in the beautiful Bahamas! Just remember your friends will miss you, but would love to visit!
Lots of Luck,
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